African continent
The agreements established with Africa fall in different rationality of the priors agreements. We highlight the search for symmetry, especially in relation to institutions based in developed countries, here the partnerships established are strongly focused on staff training in the African continent.In these terms is part of the central government policy of approaching of our institutions of higher education and guided by the approved project "Pro-Africa".
It is in these terms that the Postgraduate Program in Geography and PRODEMA, both of UFC, establish partnership with Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation of Cape Verde. Since 2006 the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) and Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation signed a scientific and technical cooperation agreement aimed at the will criaç the Brazil-Cape Verde Studies Center.
In 2007 the Graduate Diploma in Geography is entered in this UFC policy of solidarity with the brotherly country, with participation subsidized by project resources "socio-environmental analysis of degraded areas of Cape Verde", in the midst of the Pro-Africa edict (CNPq ) under the coordination of Professor. Vládia Vidal Pinto de Oliveira.
This project was based on the guiding purpose of the established policy of solidarity and whose purposes were to encourage master students and doctoral candidates to undertake work on Cape Verde; conduct research in locus to support Brazilian foreign policy with respect to Cape Verde; publication of scientific papers on Cape Verde; provide training doctors in our program.The project resulted in international cooperation Brazil / Cape Verde.
It was the program designed by MCT Program / CNPq 06/2007, the Pro-Africa, that the project materialized the technical cooperation agreement between the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) and the National Institute for Agricultural Research and Development - INIDA, calling themselves "Analysis Socioambiental of degraded areas of Cape Verde. "It was to analyze in an integrated and systematic way the current social and environmental context of degraded areas, with emphasis on the island of Santiago, considering the indicators of environmental and socioeconomic sustainability.
In the light of this guiding objective, we sought to develop transdisciplinary research based on the following purposes: define ecosystems by studying the social and environmental components, analyzing relevant issues to degraded areas, inadequate practices of exploitation of the land, Predatory tourism, etc.; assess the carrying capacity of environmental systems based on their capabilities, limitations and vulnerabilities; its desirable scenarios for sustainable development from the framework of physical and natural indicators and land use; propose grants for implementation of environmental education programs that meet the needs of the communities involved; support the development of tourism policies that inscribe the attractive coastal areas in the new logic of valorization of beaches as privileged "locus" for leisure.It is in these terms that the Graduate Program in Geography and PRODEMA established agreements with Alexandre Gusmão Foundation, with the National Institute of Agrarian Development (INIDA) and, from 2013, with the University of Cape Verde (UniCV).
In 2009, with the execution of the Project in full swing, was promoted the I International Seminar Integrator Brazil - Cape Verde - Environmental Degradation in Semi-arid. Essentially, it sought to identify new coexistence of adjustments of human with degraded environments. It was also intended to interact and exchange experiences capable of generating new scientific and technological knowledge. It was reflected in the search for a broader concept of sustainable development. And it envisioned to meet the peculiarities of Cape Verde where there are obvious similarities to the semi-arid northeast.
So that, in addition to the vulnerabilities imposed by the semi-arid region, the soils are degraded - sometimes irreversibly - and water resources tend to evident shortage. Biodiversity, on the other hand, has been very strong brands of the predatory actions of man. Ultimately, the protection is persecuted the fragile environmental systems and the inclusion of issues related to poverty, poor structuring of spatial planning and infrastructural shortcomings.
The event was publicized through 3 television networks: RTP, TCV and TV RECORD. This event counted with the participation of four (4) professors, member of the postgraduate program. This partnership has generated several scientific articles and in the book called "Cape Verde: Socio-Environmental Analysis and Prospects for Sustainable Development in Degraded Areas".The prof. Vládia Vidal Pinto de Oliveira, maintained an ongoing exchange in various activities in Cape Verde.
In 2011, the professor was part of the Delegation of Cearense Culture in Ceará Book Fair in Cape Verde "The Earth's moon in the light," as part of the World Word Fair. Also participated in the Commission on cape verdean university, exchanging experiences and helping to develop sustainable strategies exchanges between nations.
In 2014, there was a strong enrichment of exchanges between university institutions of both countries through the International Research Support Program and Education by Means of Teaching and Student Mobility International (CAPES / AULP), under the coordination of Professor. Vládia PV Oliveira.
It was implementation a Master's Degree in Development and Environment in partnership between the Universidade de Cabo Verde (UniCV) and the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) aimed at the interdisciplinary training of human resources of high level, based on values and principles of the sustainable development.It was intended train human resources in the development and environment practices, based on the environmental sustainability, socio-economic, institutional, political and scientific-technological dimensions.
When dealing with mobility, under graduation and post-graduation, it has allowed an interaction between theory and practice of research, involving various levels of training (doctorate, master's and undergraduate) in the field-oriented studies for the analysis of the dynamics of landscapes, in addition to the technical training of professionals through postgraduate and graduate programs of the related institutions.
In these terms, it is justified to offer courses for professors: i. Elisa Zanella, providing discipline under the theme Risks and Urban Environmental Vulnerability, part of the Discipline SPECIAL TOPICS - workload of 75 h / a.; ii. Jader Santos with GIS disciplines Applied to Environmental Analysis (75 h / a); and part of the Society and Nature course (20 h / a). Both developed during their stay in Cape Verde orientation activities at the graduate. They were also offered courses taught by project coordination as Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Geoenvironmental Analysis (37h / h) and Degradation Processes / Desertification (37 / h), both in partnership with Cape Verde teachers.
In dealing with the research, the missions were awarded post-doctoral grants (aimed at professors) and graduate sandwich scholarships, both for Brazilians with Cape Verde foreigners. Also included with sandwich masters scholarship, only for foreign. In 2015, two permanent professors of the Program did postdoutoral internship at the Universidade de Cape Verde, in the areas of geoprocessing and Climatology and Water Resources.
Professor Elisa Zanella developed activity on the Perception of Flood Risk. The survey was conducted from field work with questionnaires in Old Town, 15 km away from the Cidade de Praia. Professor Jader Santos developed activities in order to contribute to the construction and dissemination of research weaknesses and social and environmental risks in Praia, Santiago Island, capital of the archipelago.
It resulted in methodologies and procedures that supported the development of risk analysis methodology for island environments, as well as the production of scientific material to be conveyed in qualified journals and collections that will reveal the characteristics of the investigated territory. Proceeded to the doctoral internship of the PhD Maria Losângela Martins de Sousa, having achieved significant importance as it resulted, as the main framework, the development of part of the Doctoral Thesis entitled: THE DYNAMIC LANDSCAPES SEMI-ARID AND DESERTIFICATION INDICES IN RIVER BASIN'S CREEK WIZARD, CEARÁ / BRAZIL aND RIBEIRA GRANDE, SANTIAGO ISLAND / CAPE VERDE, supervised by professor Dr. Vládia Vidal Pinto de Oliveira (UFC) and co-directed by professor Dr. Sonia Maria Duarte Melo Silva Victoria (UniCV).
The missions of the sandwich graduate students, conducted in 2015, had an outcome than expected because the development of the project culminated in the preparation of bachelorsof Hudson Silva Rocha Completion work Geography of at the Universidade Federal do Ceara resulted on the monograph entitled Landforms and Geotouristic potentio of SANTIAGO - CAPE VERDE. Which was held in 2016 and with the examination board Prof. Dr. Vidal Vládia Pinto de Oliveira (advisor professor) and Profs.Drs. Sonia Maria Duarte Melo Silva Victoria and José Manuel da Veiga Pereira, both from the University of Cape Verde, taking advantage of the mobility both in its Postdoctoral missions (PD) under the Program.
As for the graduate student in geography Bruna da Silva Lima, under the guidance of prof. Jader Santos, attended meetings at government level on issues related to the study theme, the reflection session: "Use of treated wastewater in agriculture" Cape Verde, a theme that will contribute to development of their research.
Equally important, the Cape Verde undergraduates to Brazil obtained a use and very positive impact. It can be affirmed that the graduates Adilson Pina Gonçalves, Alveno John Brito Dias de Barros and graduate student Ailton Lopes Emilio Varela showed a positive increase of knowledge, particularly on the issues involved in their projects. Conducting intensive literature, attending undergraduate courses (undergraduate) and master's (graduate student) and seminars and researching for field opportunities in the following municipalities: Jaguaribara, Aracati, Taua (one of the nuclei of desertification) and Fortaleza.
The training of PhDs, the professor at Universidade de Cape Verde, prof. José Maria Monteiro Semedo made his sandwich doctorate internship in our program whose activities were beyond dedication to research, he also arose his contribution with some subjects in the Undergraduate Geography course within discipline "Environmental Planning" and laboratorial guidance of LAPED (Pedology Laboratory, Environmental and Desertification analysis) scholarship holders.
In the same year was the probation of prof.Jose Maria, the prof.Antonio Pina Gomes Jandir of Cape Verde, on his Sandwich postdoc, had his probation related with the involvment with the laboratories of Nutrition Food (Centre of Agricultural Sciences / UFC) and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, which accompanied the production of goat milk and Geography Department with the issues of land.
In 2015, the Geography Department received Ailton Emílio Lopes Varela, the Master Sandwich student, involved with several activities with the Geography Program and Prodema. He obtained certificate in Training CAPES Periodic Portal, sponsored by the Library science and Technology and Member Education Committee of the UFC Library.
In 2015, continuing this partnership, the dean of the University of Cape Verde, Prof.. Dr. Nascimento Judice, visited the Postgraduate Program, along with a professor at the Universidade de Coimbra, Prof.Dr. Lucio Cunha, giving lectures and making private meetings with the coordination of the course and laboratories. During his visit to the Dean of the UFC, Judith Birth of Medina Encarnação, Prof.. Dr. Nascimento had the opportunity to discuss various aspects of international relations and the time it was explained about the dynamics of the course implemented in Cape Verde and in the interest of closer relations between the two universities.
With regard to the year 2016, there were missions of foreign scholars (Cape Verde) in undergraduate mode sandwich with students Semedo Domingos da Silva, Edson Monteiro Semedo Valdique, and master mode, the student Gilson Semedo. Students participated in the studies directed by monitors pedology discipline. The participation was assiduously, playing consistently the tasks they have been designated as the Laboratory activities of the Department of Geography, with practices related to soil science discipline as morphological studies of the soil and for tourism.
They had field practices that provided learning of environmental systems of countryside landscapes, mountainous and coastal of Ceara. The activities contributed to the exchange of experiences with Brazilian students and the Department of Geography professors, agricultural engineering and Cape Verde that were studying there.
The scholarship master could take classes in the course of postgraduation in geography and PRODEMA. All participated in discussions on project structure and thematic seminars.
We also highlight the missions of the professors of the Universidade de Cabo Verde in the form of postdoctoral scholarship holders. Prof.Sonia Silva Victoria carried out her mission contributing in different academic activities. She participated in three (03) examination boards - one (1) Bachelor's graduating Hudson Silva Rocha in the monograph entitled "landforms and potential geotouristic of Santiago (Cape Verde)"; One (1) of the PhD geographer Maria Losângela Martins de Sousa in Thesis project "Dynamics of Semi-arid landscapes and Desertification Indices in Watershed Rio Figueiredo, Ceará / Brazil and Ribeira Grande, Santiago / Cape Verde" and; One (1) Thesis Banking's PhD student Leonardo Schramm Feitosa the thesis entitled "Management of riparian vegetation and eutrophication of semi-arid northeast reservoirs.
During her mission, she also participated in various meetings and visitations of UFC laboratories. She helped organize the event "V Brazilian Congress of Applied Environmental Education and Land Management" of the Department of Geography, the event being held only in June 2016. It also highlights the field practice in the Sierra de Aratanha, coastal fortress, Pacatuba, Guaiúba, Redemption.
The field practice was carried out at various times, it was possible to observe the geological occurrences, the modeled landscape, types of soil and vegetation cover aspects of degradation and water resources. Also, it was observed the cultural aspects and history of the visited municipalities.
One way of dissemination and transparency results in the production of scientific papers and the Centre for Environmental Studies book: Vulnerability and Environmental Risks, along with the UFC teachers. The teacher participates in the thesis co-supervision of doctoral student Maria Losângela Martins de Sousa.The mission of the scholarship postdoctoral sandwich, prof. Dr José Manuel Veiga Pereira is another evidenced verification of institutional strengthening and the good performance of bilateral cooperation and a partnership between the Universidade de Cabo Verde and Universidade Federal do Ceará.
It can be seen by the following results reported: Participation by the prof.Dr. José Manuel V. Pereira in three (3) examination boards: 1. Thesis of doctoral student Magda Helena Maia with a thesis entitled "Cognitive Mapping of Drought in the Hinterland Semi-Arid under the optics of Magda Helena Maia Complexity. - One (1) Bachelor's graduating Hudson Silva Rocha in a monograph titled" landforms and potential geotouristic Santiago (Cape Verde) "; 1 (one) in PhD Qualification Exam and geographer Maria Losângela Martins de Sousa in the thesis project" dynamics of Semi-arid landscapes and Desertification Indices in Watershed Rio Figueiredo, Ceará / Brazil and Ribeira Grande, Santiago / Cape Verde. "
The visits and fieldwork were conducted jointly with Professor Sonia Silva Victoria and undergraduate and master's degree. It must also point out that in the year 2016, continuing the International CAPES / AULP Mobility Program was selected one (1) PhD student of Geography Postgraduate Program to develop doctoral stage sandwich at the University of Cape Verde.The research is entitled by "TERRITORIAL IN RIVER BASIN AND SITES URBAN: an approach to cities in Brazil and Cape Verde" and will be in Cape Verde supervisor Professor Dr. José Manuel da Veiga Pereira.
We must point out that the development of exchanges and research with the African country has been further strengthened with the recent course opened in 2015 at the University of Cape Verde with the participation of Prof.. Vládia P. Oliveira V Doctoral Course in Environmental Management and Policy at the Universidade de Cabo Verde.
The course was created by the Network of Environmental Studies in Portuguese Language Countries (NESP), involving several IES Brazil, Cape Verde, Portugal and Africa whose teaching is one of the Network members. In March the professor taught part of the Methodology of Interdisciplinary discipline, in partnership with Professor of Portugal Luis Oosterbeek.
In July, the module on the theme of Desertification was given. In the area of encouraging the development of research in Geography Graduate Program - Cape Verde, it should be noted master's and doctoral studies directed by Prof..Vladia Oliveira, as shown below:
Sentido: Exterior – Brasil |
Duração |
GS |
DS |
02/ 16 a 03/16 |
02/16 a 04/16 |
PD |
Complementarily, the doctoral student Luis Ricardo came out in September 2016 to conduct training at the University of Cape Verde, in order to develop activities related to land use and desertification.
Concerning the publication, in 2012 published the book "Cape Verde: Strategies for Sustainable desenvolviemtno" organized by Prof..Vladia Oliveira and to rely on the results of research carried out at the time, as shown below.