
The Geography's Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) turns twelve years in 2016. The Master Degree Program was implemented in 2004, and the Doctorate Degree Program was approved in 2008. Currently, we have 99 students, of which 70% are enrolled at the Doctorate Program.
The Postgraduate Program was consolidated after its third The School for Advanced Studies (CAPES) evaluation, in which the Program was graded 5 (the maximum grade), and this took place in the triennium of 2011 to 2013. The Program proceeds in the challenge of expanding its national and international reach.
The board of the Program entails 18 permanent Professors from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), from which seven are Ambassadorial Scholars of Productivity (Pq-CNPq); 1 Professor of the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV); 2 visiting Professors from the Texas A & M University (College Station, Texas) and 1 Secretary.
Our faculty members teach subjects, conduct research and extension activities in the concentration area of "Environmental and Territorial Dynamics", which has two lines of research: "Environmental Study of Coastal Zone" and "Nature, Countryside and City in the semi-arid". As Professors and Researchers, we contribute in the improvement of contemporary geographic scientific production and in the training of professional excellence.
In accordance with terms included in the triennium Assessment Report of 2011/2013, we currently have one of the most significant productions in the area of Geography in Brazil, where we are dedicated to the training of 99 graduate students, including 13 students of the Agreement DINTER (Inter PhD) CAPES with two Universities of Roraima - the State University of Roraima (UERR) and Federal University of Roraima (UFRR); we also supervise 8 Postdoctoral researchers.
In May of 2015, we conducted the 33rd Congress of the Latin American Conference of Geographers (CLACG) and, in September of the same year, we held the XIV Urban Geography Symposium; which led us to strengthening the representativeness of the Program, in academic communities, at national and international level.
In 2015, we initiated two projects on an international scale fomented by the School for Advanced Studies (CAPES) with the course coordinated by Prof. Jeovah Meireles, "The Marine-Coastal Systems in the face of the Global Change", which includes the participation of the Prof.Dr. Sergio Rossi, a senior researcher at Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB);and the project Special Visiting Professor (SVP / CAPES) entitled "Wind Energy Impacts in Northeast Coast: prospects for building an integrated view of the 'clean' energy production in Brazil", coordinated by Prof..Adryane Gorayeb in partnership with Prof. PhD Christian Brännström Texas A & M University.
In 2016, with external funding (National Science Foundation / US and US Fulbright / CAPES), we had the approval of the project "Urban Water Provisioning and Household Water Security in Northeast Brazil", under the coordination of Professor.Wendy Jepson PhD from Texas A & M University and the local coordination of Professor.Adryane Gorayeb.
Thereby, we fulfill a key role in qualifying and debating of natural and human issues of the Northeast and Brazil, essential to the pursuit of social and environmental sustainability of our country.